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...have you ever dreamed of switching over to a life that makes sense?
Worktalk On The Connection Between Building Bridge-Houses And Building Archiarchy
with Clinton Callahan
Possibilitators are co-creating a meshwork of global Rapid-Learning Environments, rich with profound thoughtware upgrades and authentic adulthood initiatory processes.
These interconnected projects are each called a 'Bridge-House'.
Bridge-House is an Archiarchy life-skills training environment.
We are convinced that you have a piece of the puzzle of how to create and inhabit regenerative human cultures on Earth. One purpose of Bridge-House is to clarify, amplify, and launch your piece of the puzzle as your Nonmaterial Value service to the Village.
Another purpose of Bridge-House is to empower each other to become Spaceholders for creating more Bridge-Houses.
A further, and perhaps even more fundamental purpose of Bridge-House has been revealing itself empirically as we gain more experience in Cavitating, Holding, and Navigating Bridge-House Spaces. This purpose is to 'bridge people out of the Matrix,' using the term 'the matrix' as defined in the film of the same name: The Matrix.
In particular we think of the scenes where Neo chooses the 'Red Pill' and Morpheus and Trinity pull him through into 'the real world'. After a while, Neo lies on his back in what appears to be a large glass aquarium. He is completely pinned with some kind of giant acupuncture needles.
Neo asks, "Why do my eyes hurt?"
Morpheus replies, "You never used them before."
In Bridge-House, people ask, "Why does my heart ache?"
We say, "Because you never let it speak before."
Through Process after Process, discovery after discovery, Bridge-House residents help each other let go of Assumptions, Expectations, Conclusions, and Projections which you wove deeply into a Survival Strategy that does not work anymore, because you no longer live in the Capitalistic Patriarchal Empire. You live in Archiarchy, in a Bridge-House, with other escapees and completely new circumstances. In the Bridge-House gameworld, people help each other heal and learn new skills for living rather than merely surviving.
Where does the 'bridge' of a Bridge-House lead? It leads from the edges of modern culture over to next culture - Archiarchy - the culture naturally emerging around the world now that matriarchy and patriarchy have run their course.
Each Possibilitator carries deep within them a longing to co-create how next culture goes. Each of these 'Possibilitator Specialties' need space and time to grow, to mature, to produce results that empower others to build-out and inhabit these elements of next culture.
This is where Bridge-House comes to life. Bridge-House incubates spaceholders for building creatively-collaborative regenerative-culture local-authority nanonations.
We have arrived at a stage in human evolution where the importance of learning new ways to come together and collaborate can no longer be ignored. The challenges that lie ahead are considerable, and will require personal change.
Almost every intelligent person dreams of more connection and community in their lives. Yet most did not learn the necessary soft skills while growing up for how to harmoniously and effectively share space or create and sustain Gameworlds collaboratively.
This is part of what you develop and hone experientially in the living laboratory of the Bridge-House, along with a Possibilitator context and core skills.
A Bridge-House is a rapid-learning culture-shift environment open to anyone who is fully participating in Possibilitator Training. (Full details of the Possibilitator Path are given at the Possibilitator Training website.)
- Each Bridge-House serves the world as an actual 'bridge' that leads from the Thoughtware edges of the modern capitalist patriarchal empire, over the gap of the unknown, into regenerative and transformational life in next culture - Archiarchy - the culture that is naturally emerging since matriarchy and patriarchy have run their course.
Every aspect of modern life as we have come to know it is unregenerative (without euphamisms, this means 'ecocidal', meaning, a death sentence for life on planet Earth).
The known world is in a state of radical flux. It is groundless, and baseless, because modern culture is exterminating life on Earth at the fastest possible rate.
All known procedures are in question... commerce, education, health, government, military, religion, food production, lifestyle, transportation, clothing... but what are the answers? They too are unknown.
This means that each Bridge-House is, by necessity, a 'research center', sharing the findings from their experiments with all other Bridge-Houses around the world.
You will learn a lot on the Bridge-House path. Not only that, you will Build Matrix to activate your potentials. The proof will be that you start creating things that you could not have created before.
In addition to practicalities such as Whole Permaculture, Torus Technology, Possibility Management, Gaian Gameworld-building, and 3 Phase Healing, your main takeaway will be Bridge-House Spaceholder Training.
During your 12 to 18 months of hands-on, in-the-field, learning-by-doing at your first Bridge-House, you will unfold and develop your talents for applied culture-shift.
Near the end of 2023, the United Nations was willing to publicly admit on their website that, "The Sustainable Development Goals are badly off track."
Try to imagine how bad it must actually be for the UN to publicly acknowledge that their highly praised SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) are 'badly' off track...
Try to picture how many corporate shareholders are invested in the payoffs and kick-back deals involved in the fantasy world that anything from the infrastructure of modern culture can be sustained without exterminating more species and killing life on planet Earth...
As a 'civil society organization', part of the ‘third sector’ of society, distinct from government and business, Possibility Management has responded to the December 2023 call from the United Nations for written proposals that contain concise, concrete, and action-oriented recommendations for the preparation of the 'Zero Draft' of the 'Pact for the Future', to be ratified 22–23 September 2024 at a 'Summit For the Future'. You can read the details of Possibility Management's proposals in this article and at the Regenerate Earth Goals (REGs) website.
The reason we share this information with you here is that one of the concise, concrete, and action-oriented proposals Possibility Management sent to the United Nations in December 2023 is to initiate 3000 interlinked Archiarchy Invention Centers (AICs) around the world where young people (younger than 35 years old) (especially young women, because Archiarchy is being created by Archiarchal Women...).
The full presentation is online at the Archiarchy Invention Centers (AICs) website.
Archiarchy Invention Centers implement the 'Tansley Effect' whereby multiple small parallel research Teams work out impossible issues far more effectively than a few large centralized efforts can, because through creative collaboration, each new independent finding becomes a common input into everyone else’s process. The Tansley Effect creates an endless positive feedback loop.
As you will discover through learning about Archiarchy Invention Centers, they make use of discoveries and traditions already found to work in Bridge-House gameworlds.
This means that the discoveries you make in each of your Bridge-Houses may be far more important than you might at first imagine. The Archiarchy Invention Centers need what you have gained in clarity, knowledge, and experience. They need your tools and processes, your traditions, and your Bridge-House Spaceholder savvy as the foundation that will help them start off running.
Therefore, we ask you to please make extra efforts to publish your discoveries in articles at Medium, on your own personal website, and to share them with us so we can share them with other Bridge-House researchers, and eventually with the Spaceholders of the Archiarchy Invention Centers... one of whom could possibly be you!
Please stay in touch with us about this!
These are the new Regenerate Earth Goals (REGs) intended to immediately replace the United Nations popular but severely ineffective Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Letters Of Discovery And Encouragement
Dear Bridge-House Team,
I am reignited with Possibility about Bridge-Houses, which I noticed that part of me had given up on. There are no Bridg-Houses around here (where I live). There are no PM contexted Edgeworkers here. Most people here are either in denial or in a new-age selfhelp Fantasy World.
I made up and believed the story, "Bridge-Houses don't exist here. The government regulations on land use are too rigid and constricting. I don’t even have a circle of friends to invite to a Bridge-House."
I'm touched by what I'm seeing emerge from this Bridge-House Gameworld Telegram Group. I watched yesterday the Trainer Path call with Clinton that was posted a few days ago where he landed this Distinction about killing the Space, Taking A Stand for the culture I choose to live in, and delight, revealing more and more the gap between modern culture and Archiarchy.
Watching that recording brought me to tears about how I play small adapting to spaces, how I'm showing up in my relation in more apathy, victim, rescuer, and persecutor, instead of delight, and how I block this feedback from coming through as a way to avoid the intensity of my feelings.
Huge respect for everyone involved in bringing Bridge-Houses to life, and for your own evolutionary process. Go!
Love, Jorge Yote
Dear Friends,
Bridge-Houses prove how tiny impulses can be enough to put a new chain of Clarity, and Action into movement. I am very glad to see that Bridge-Houses are Emerging as Power Bridges that get everything in movement, making it impossible to stay bored once you get in touch with this huge brilliant energie.
I am also very happy that in me something new was born when I witness all this life out there in a new, counscience way. I see a step that was missing in my worldview between a lifestyle of isolation and and a truly vibrant life.
Until now, real life was represented for me in Community Living. Bridge-Houses open up a huge new possibility to get in touch with a lot more people on the edge of paradim shift, because Bridge-Houses will be everywhere, touchable, visible and filled up with life. Bridge-Houses create a powerful magnetic energie which brings Possibilitators effectively together.
I am so glad that I found the Bridge-House Bridge to Archiarchy. I am so glad it became visible to me and called out so strongly. Sometimes I felt lonely and desperate, lacking those vital impulses, even living in a permaculture ecovillage (Inla Kesh).
Thanks all you Bridge makers for all the love that is coming through you, all the empowerment, clearness, posibilities, joy and a lot of more.
We are part of the sunrise! This is one of the most powerfull creative moments of my life!
Love, Monika Hôsterey (from Inla Kesh, Chiapas, Mexico)
9 November 2023 - Bali
Here at Writing House we are 4 writers all working a lot on Thoughtware Press projects and the websites.
Today at lunch (which Sophia Wegele prepared and Sonia Goncalves is presently washing up...) Anne-Chloé brought up the question about how to be together at a Bridge-House that makes it a Bridge-House and not simply a group of roommates living together under one roof, even if we work at the same table at the same time in the same room.
Ordinary modern culture people live in psychoemotional memetic construct Boxes inside of their private room Boxes inside of the apartment Box inside of a building Box inside of a neighborhood Box inside of a culture Box.
Because the Context of Bridge-House is Transformational, the Bridge-House field gradually peels open each person's defended little nest of Russian Doll Defense Strategy Boxes through a nonlinear and not apparent fourth dimensional Path made up of: skill building, thoughtware upgrade, EHPs, and evolution of consciousness.
Yay! It is the Great Escape! (a 1963 film with: Steve McQueen, James Garner, Richard Attenborough, Charles Bronson and James Coburn! What is not to like about this? (Uh, yeah, well... where are the women? Right question! Only boys play war. So only boys get captured and put in prison in war... easy answer! Plus, the film is full of movie quotes!)
During our lunchtime conversation about this just now, several useful distinctions emerged.
One is that the Bridge-House itself is actually a 5th member of our Bridge-House.
Meaning that, if the Bridge-House is not informed, or not negotiated with, or not shared with, then it goes hungry, it starves, it is unnurtured.
And the only two ways to talk with the Bridge-House are, one, at a fully attended Torus Convergence, or two, through the Bridge-House Telegram Group.
It is a kind of paradox that each participant in the Bridge-House needs to do what they need to do and not be adaptive to a fictitious imaginary 'we'. There is no 'we' in a Bridge-House. Being adaptive suffocates the individual.
Yet, at the same time, the Bridge-House is one of the individuals in the Bridge-House, and also needs to be fed by the experience. Weirdly enough, the Bridge-House also needs to do what the Bridge-House needs to do.
The Bridge-House needs to evolve, to go through EHPs, to go on Adventure Days, and Film Nights, and Stage Work Nights, and Snack Times, and have guests over or go visit with special people, and keep reinventing itself and its relationships with other Bridge-Houses, so eventually they can interact and fall in love and make little baby Bridge-Houses together...
We had chocolate for dessert.
Love, Clinton Callahan
Letters back and forth between Daway Chou-Ren of Magic Cow Bridge-House in New York, and Gabriel Hudry Lechemin of Art'chiarchy / Jardin Des Possibles in France November 2023.
Gabriel Hudry, [13-Nov-23 01:25]
In the context of creating the next step of a permanent Bridge-House in French territory, I report this experiment of Art'chiarchy Bridge-House ( with 4 other possibilitators in the making @gabrielaflorescedoradaessencia , Daphne Sarpyener, @eithneleahy , Leonhard Geupel.
We could observe the French Box from different aspects thanks to delivering The Menu experiment in the local market.
I realized that 5 different Purposes were part of the project :
-make seedlings of Archiarchy in french territory
-create a new name which doesn't work with the cheesy French box for 'Rage Club', because the French relate the idea of 'rage' as 'disgust', and 'club' like Club Med. The name 'Clarity Laboratory' came out after different conversations with my partner, who collaborated a lot to the experiment, Ludivine.
-create a first step for a permanent Bridge-House in the Pyrenees, Bagnères de Bigorre, where Art'chiarchy experiment started, the next step will be a seasonal Bridge-House called for now "garden of possibilities / jardin des possibles"
-cocreate a Codex for next Bridge-House experiment
-creating a clear distinction of what is a "spaceholder" and an "apprentice spaceholder and working on the topic of inclusivity
-distilling what is "integration" and what are the pathways to live together as experimentators of the next culture to come, with sword, proposals and chocolate moment to moment
-distilling the bridge to communicate with french box, using new names and words to aleviate the distinctions that were not working with people (as if we were speaking with a different language, like it is in the translation of english Memetic language to french memetic language in birthing)
-experimenting Archan Permacultrue Gameworld and create Art pieces to research that (articles to come, one mandala to be shared about 5 inner garden bodies, collage, compost and creation club...)
General feedback:
-Necessity for having a longer experiment to invite more people
-Gold for relating all together and using the space to do EHPs together and kick our asses (poop on the table process and 2 frying pans where highly efficient and legendary for that).
-Torus technology work partially with someone that doesn't have ETB and Gremlin Transformation
-Archetypal Body connection might not work with someone that doesn't have a Lab and can be a source of frustration (anger)
-Archetypal Lineage distillation of messages was a clear success. 4 Archetypal spaces came out of this Bridge-House : incarnation of Guides/ entities speaking through Archetypal Lineage, calling forth Archetypal Lineage to speak from the source (Witchcraft), distilling our gameplans by using wands of possibilities and the natural magic of mountains (photo), speaking as a feedback circle from Archetypal Body to Harvest (a new distinction yet to come from Archan Permaculture Gameworld). For at least 3 people, it was a clear fisrt experiment of deeply relating to Archetypal Body.
-From the intension (video1 ( to the manifestation in matter, ECCO was clearly at work, this is a legend too.
-the Possibility Menu was a successful experiment, in the 3rd row it became also a clarity laboratory with different workshops in it: saying yes! no! ha! (people truning around in the market with surprise). Leonhard speaking in english with french people in the street, Gabriela delivering energetic distinctions and a big hug to a woman who went on crying form a 5 bodies scan, helping a man to recenter by my side...
-in the conversation with Kristoffer Trautmann (video to come) I distilled 7 guidelines to be inspired to create a Bridge House
More to share soon and to come. Contact me if you want more details, I'm currently unable to write articles (still working on it though)possibilitator
with love
Daway Chou-Ren, [15-Nov-23 03:50]
Gabriel, your message leaves me wanting more. I would message you privately as you ask, but then the gold would be only available to you and me.
When will Jardin Des Possibles happen? What did you learn from Art'chiarchy that will be part of the context for Jardin Des Possibiles?
You write that a longer experiment is necessary. How long?
You write that Torus Technology works partially with someone who hasn't been through an ETB and that Archetypal Body connection might not work. What does that mean? How will your Guardianship of Jardin Des Possibles change? Or what new possibilities/experiments do you have for making invitations for someone to join your Context?
What does, "working on the topic of inclusivity" mean?
I would guess that what you learned from Art'chiarchy is very valuable to others looking to source Archiarchy. I would like to hear it "straight" from you ("straight" = no fluff about what worked/didn't work).
Gabriel Hudry, [15-Nov-23 23:38]
Daway, despite the parenting part of your message, I'm taking the enthousiasm from it.
I'm up to have a short and straight interview with you, in what is straight in your world.
Daway Chou-Ren, [16-Nov-23 05:59]
Gabriel, I take a do-over for my message. Thank you for your feedback.
Bridge Houses die without proper Guardianship. Bridge Houses die when context gets misaligned. Bridge Houses die when there are different levels of responsibility, and the different levels are not consciously chosen.
I’ve heard legends about Art’chiarchy. I’ve heard there was Archetypal space being sourced there. I heard that nearly every single day, someone was turned on enough about something to hold an extraordinary space.
I also heard there were messes. One mess in particular that I heard about was that there was an Apprentice spaceholder who had not been to an Expand The Box training and who did not have Distinctions about Radical Responsibility. I heard she had an extremely reactive Gremlin and that she would destroy your spaces of intimacy.
Making messes is the quickest way to learn. If feedback is gold, messes are the gold mine. When I read your message, I did not get to hear about your messes. I did not get any of what you learned about being a Guardian or what you learned about Integrating People Into a Context.
Sharing what really goes on at Bridge Houses feeds this space. It feeds the little baby Bridge Houses waiting to be born in people. It means that I might not have to make the same kind of mess, or risk killing the spaces of intimacy I am trying to create.
Will you tell us more about what happened at Art’chiarchy? Especially about Guardianship and Stewardship.
Gabriel Hudry, [16-Nov-23 08:15]
Dear Daway
I'm glad about your clear demand.
First I need to do a clear set up about what I'm going to say.
Bridge-Houses don't die. A snail dies if I walk on it. Bridge-Houses collapse. I'm feeling fear and anger about the use of strong words in order to go in "Terminator Coaching style PM". (That would do a great logging sentence for a website though).
What I've been learning with the unclear Apprentice's presence, is that Sword Of Clarity has 4 different edges for 4 different feelings: anger, fear, sadness and joy are part of it. When I could not relate and give sharp distinction with my sword, I had one, two, three other coaches to help me be vulnerable and fall apart. There connection happened again, through sadness. It was not victim Bullshit. I meant real sadness, crying, tears flowing when still facing the 'apprentice'. Deep fear was bringing a sense of spaciousness and momentum - pressure naturally flowed to our nervous systems, also in the Apprentice's. Joy was allowing a sense of satisfaction and gratitude that allowed us to practice being here and now, small here and now - where is the bliss if there is no such momentums and simple ceremonies?
What was messy?
Not clarifying what is an Apprentice is a clear mess. It allowed a sneaking blaming energy about "this is hierarchical" and triggered our Not OK Boxes.
This was an Unhookable training for me and the other members spaceholders.
What it took to be a Guardian?
Being unhookable, negociating spaces and intimacy moment to moment, being vulnerable (it allowed me to see my rescuing pattern and unfolding the shadow of both 'leadership' and 'inclusivity').
Even so I decided to let go and not use my Sword all the tipossibilitatorme, I took time to integrate and do something else, a reality with sometimes swamp and sometimes clear sharp moments with Nothing.
It took me to be a guardian of myself, when I had enough, I had enough, I let go, yet I didn't give up, I drewback and I cameback.
What it took to integrate?
Instead of relating to PM with my Parent Ego State, I started something else. What if I choose to forget all of what I've been doing so far with PM?What will remain? I was overfed with distinctions. Wanting to be perfect is causing the ceasing of aliveness. It dries the inner landscape of relating.
I had an overdose of clear and distinct depicted reality. My upgraded thoughtware superpower was inert. My compass of Reality was missing even though I was doing processes after processes to get it back.
I had the Necessity to experiment something else without knowing what I was experimenting. I had to cease relating with my expanded PM Box. It took more time than what I thought. Days turn out to be months.
I had to be on the threshold of, "What if it is my Gremlin deciding that and that I'm fooling myself?" But guess who's saying that?
There is a moment where Not Knowing AT ALL is terrifying. It is entering a new Reality. A threshold.
Integration comes from other pathways, there is a necessity to let go sometimes, it is not all the time relating with distinctions as a robotic PM Good Trainer would do - the pitfall of the great minds. I integrated in the mess. I wallowed in the mess. I felt sad about it, I let go of some commitments I've been holding, and it was time to integrate.
The pushy coaching style doesn't work in spaces of relating, unless you want people to suffocate and shrink in their underworld, there is a Necessity to breathe and go non-linear with other unexplored options. That is the kind of gold I can get from this Bridge-House.
The benefit of having an unclear apprentice in the space?
It brought us the quality of wind. Her curiosity brought aliveness into the rediscovery of many distinctions. It has been a mini-ETB along the way for her, a big-unhookable training for me (and I suppose, the 3 other spaceholders).
What do I get from it?
I'm up to restart the experiment, with a little clearer idea about the spaceship for being an apprentice - the spaceship and structure will have to be co-designed together.
What I already sense is that there is a Necessity for the Team to Cavitate and Declare Spaces where there are no Apprentices, and Spaces where they are invited, and Spaces where they are required. Theses Spaces needs to be defined.
Actually that is what happened. The Apprentice drew back from 3 of the Archetypal spaces, and the fourth Space I asked her to leave. The difference is - I suppose - if these Spaces would be clearly defined and clearly set up they will have their own Boundaries.
What if I don't know at all?
As I have heard from your Bridge-House, having Matrix is not sufficient info to prevent Low Drama.
Many people who come to PM already experienced their Archetypal Body, and some people trained with many Possibility Labs and Gremlin Transformation still don't have it. This is naturally Unfair.
The nature of life is different for many Beings. Here comes Experiential Reality - this is part of the chaos.
There is no clear Guideline. The only thing that I know, is what it means to not have a Compass Of Reality and how challenging it is and painful it is. I am glad I went through this Initiation.
I will ask you questions in private, as they are more intimate and related to your Bridge-House. I'm willing to bring them back here once distilled with you.
Did I answered clearly enough your questions? If not, ask again in a different way. I would be pleased to answer.
The Emergence Of Bridge-House
A WorkTalk with Anne-Chloé Destremau and Clinton Callahan.
After watching this entire WorkTalk, please enter Matrix Code YOUTUBE1.07 in your free account at
The Original Bridge-House
The first-ever PM contexted Bridge-House came to life in the wilds of Baja California, Mexico, located on the beach between Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo, during the Fall of 1975, with (clockwise from left front in the photo below) Kat Felkner, Alan Friedman, Ed Clark, Phyllis Goldman, and Clinton Callahan, along with their favorite Mexican visitors, Fernando and Adelfa Gastélum and their daughter Elvira Cruz (NOTE: their son Ferndando Jr. is running around somewhere...).
Clinton wrote a book about their adventures titled: Seeds: an experiment in synergetic education and temporary community, which includes a diary of the experiences written by Phyllis Goldman and a Forward and Afterward by Clinton Callahan. Seeds is being released as a book and an ebook through Thoughtware Press.
Bridge-House Traditions
Meetings and many decisions at Bridge-House use Torus Technology, a circular meeting technology that relies on Spaceholding and Space Navigation and optimize group intelligence through Divergences and Convergences (rather than 'leadership'). Torus Technology uses thoughtware from Possibility Management, and includes:
- 3 Phase Healing
- Adulthood
- Debaptism
- Debarrieration
- Decontaminations of the Adult Egostate
- Disjointment
- Frying Pan
- Gremlin Transformation
- Growness
- Holistic Decision Making
- Initiations
- Men's Circle
- M.E.S.S. Process
- Parts
- Phoenix Process
- Poop On The Table
- Radical Freedom
- Radical Responsibiliy
- Reactivity
- Requiem Process
- Resistance Decision Making
- Selfobservation
- Tar Baby Process
- The Purple Card
- WEConFest
- Whizz Bang
- Wisdom Counsel
- Wok
- Women's Circle
Nothing can possibly change if you do not Upgrade Your Thoughtware with regards to Responsibility.
If you are still using Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) with regards to Responsibility you cannot depart from Ordinary Spaces and therefore are trapped in ordinary communication, ordinary relationship, and other ordinary life functions.
Without departing from Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware you cannot enter the precious domains of Radical Responsibility.
Without Decontaminating your Adult Ego State from your Gremlin Ego State, your Child Ego State, your Parent Ego State (and from and any 'Demon Ego States' you may happen to have picked up...) the Adult Ego State is completely inaccessible to you.
Every time you try to be Present, to be Unhookable, to be Adult, you cannot, because Child, Parent, or Gremlin (or all 3) Ego States occupy your Adult space.
Without being stable in the Adult Ego State you CANNOT enter the delightfully ecstatic Archetypal Domains.
A Decontaminated Adult Ego State suddenly becomes a Doorway into the Archetypal Domains that Authentically Initiated Adults are designed to explore.
Integrity is created and maintained by doing what you say you will do. You are in Integrity when you keep the promises you make.
Authenticity is revealed when you take off your mask, lose face, end the show, remove the buffer zones, assassinate your assumptions, expectations, and projections, and transform all of your resentments into evolutionary healing processes.
Authority emerges when you transform your concept of 'hierarchical power structures' into creative collaborations by reclaiming your power to make Proposals. Then instead of assuming you have some kind of position in each apparent 'hierarchy' as determined by someone else in 'authority', you become Present to collaborative creating in a Minimized here and NOW. You stand in your own irrefutable Authority and engage in Radical Relating.
Accountability with your Accountability. This means not believing that if you explain your reasons really well you are no longer responsible.
Accountability with your Hookability. This means not believing that being Hooked sometimes is a fine way to feed your Gremlin.
Accountability with your Reactivity. This means not believing that if you understand your Reactivity you don't have to grow up.
Accountability with your Gremlin and his/her Hidden Purpose. This means not believing that blaming your actions on your Gremlin lets you off the hook.
Accountability with Decontaminating your Adult Ego State. This means not believing that having your Gremlin in charge only 30% of the time is better than 40% of the time.
Accountability with your Bright Principles. This means not believing that sometimes you can use your Bright Principles and sometimes you can forget all about them.
Accountability with your Archetypal Lineage. This means being radically clear that it CANNOT work to try to keep your childhood Survival Strategy intact while being the Space through which your Archetypal Lineage does its work in the world.
Accountability with being part of Gaia. This means not believing that you are a passenger on 'spaceship Earth' but rather that you ARE Earth.
Accountability with your collaboration with E.C.C.O. (Earth Coincidence Control Office). This means not believing that your life is independent of the greater forces in the Universe.
Radical Relating is the name for adult Ego State, Radically Responsible, Minimized NOW, minimized HERE, Being to Being interactions. Radical Relating is one of the skillsets practiced by Possibilitators in Mage Training and Flying School.
Radical Relating emerges from combining:
Many people still unconsciously use parts of their childhood Survival Strategy during interactions. This eliminates the possibility of Adult interactions. The inability to inhabit a Decontaminated Adult Ego State blocks access to the Archetypal Domains, and thus blocks access to the ecstatic delights of Archetypal 5-Body Intimacy Journeys.One of the practices at Bridge-House is to help each other build out and inhabit an Adult personality to inhabit, rather than exclusively focusing on Emotional Healing Processes and trying to find out what 'the next step' to take is. Through this Adult Character Development we help each other discover and inhabit who each of us potentially is as a Free And Natural Initiated Adult living as the space through which our Archetypal Lineage and Bright Principles can do their work in the world.BRIDGE-HOUSE VALUE: GUARDIANSHIP
Asking someone to leave the Magic Cow Bridge-House
How we navigated to Guardianship
Nov 27, 2023
Asking someone to leave a community is not easy. To do so threatens child-ego state needs to 'have peace' or 'be inclusive'. Most would rather try to hide until the storm is over.
This article is about how and why we asked someone (whom I will call 'Tina') to leave our Bridge-House experiment. It is about how we initiated ourselves into Guardianship, which required learning to navigate our clarity and our fears.
We care about this article because, without real Guardianship, the context of a Bridge-House — or any Gameworld — is set by the person with the lowest level of responsibility. We learned this the hard way. A single person fighting the context can cause the entire context to collapse into their level of responsibility. This is a blunt telling of how that went for us.
At the end is What We Would Do Differently.
The Surprise & The Mess
MCBH was in context-deepening mode for several months. We had weekly calls which were meant to make sure our context of Radical Responsibility was clear and aligned with what participants wanted to create.
It did not work.
I say that because several weeks ago we asked a participant to leave the Bridge-House, one week after she arrived. She was not in our context.
She did not have the distinction between feelings vs. emotions landed in her. She would have emotional reactivity and then insist on trying to use that to navigate conflict. She resisted taking herself out of the space to do EHPs and was uninterested in trying new things related to a 'Core Wound' of being abandoned. She could not tell when she was hooked.
She did not use the Box vs. Being distinction during challenging moments.
She said something like, “I don’t want there to be a distinction between my Box and my Being.”Her Gremlin contamination was too tight for her to create Being-to-Being connections after moments of reactivity. Her Gremlin-self-defense was more important to her than caring about the space.
I mention all of this because it was a shock, and that is the first learning. I had met Tina in online and in-person trainings
before. My experience was that she 'got' all these core distinctions.
How could it be that she would show up like this?I realize now that Bridge-Houses will dig up old unhealed core wounds. Bridge-Houses are about things that are so vital to people’s Beings such as Love and Connection and Being-With. But with that territory comes people’s wounds about these things also, and these are usually their most tender wounds. So if you are entering a Bridge-House, be prepared to be in the muck.
We did know about Tina’s very active Gremlin. Our Bridge-House Guardian team (Patricio Diaz, Meredith Witt, and I) had a conversation with her during a Possibility Lab about her Gremlin’s ability to destroy our Bridge-House. She went liquid, and I
thought, “Great, that will make our job so much easier, now that it’s on the table and she has acknowledged it.” It did not, because I think how people show up in a community setting is so different from how they show up elsewhere, including in training spaces.Tina arrived when I was away at an ETB. Immediately, the other participants had clarity that her context was not aligned with our Bridge-House’s. On her first night, Meredith tried to reset the context. She held a space to explore and deepen the context in hopes that if she was clear enough and made enough sense, then Tina would join the context. It did not work. On the third night, Meredith made a proposal for Tina to leave. But to actually ask Tina to leave was the ultimate threat to Meredith’s
'good girl' Box, and that ask was not made.Holding Space for Someone to Leave
Fear of Clarity
When I get back to the Bridge-House, the air is heavy with deadness and stuckness. I ask about this at dinner, and my mere asking breaks the dam. Meredith floods the room with mixed emotions. Anger + Fear + Sadness. She cries but cannot express anything except that she’s been suffering for the past five days. It is clear that she has been torturing herself.
Just like a blocked digestive system will cause an immense amount of pain, so too does blocked clarity. The Being is dying to speak and declare what it knows.
Meredith has clarity that the context is not aligned. To be around someone with high Gremlin contamination who will not distinguish between Box and Being or Feelings and Emotions is torture for anyone trying to create higher levels of intimacy. She is dying to say, “I want you to leave.” But she cannot.
Meredith cannot because of her own contaminations. Her child-ego state is unwilling to cause a mess with Tina. After all, Tina had been 'allowed' to be here and had traveled all this way…
Gremlin-doubt creeps in too: “Well, can’t I just try harder? Is this just a part of the transformation I need to do? These are expectations I have of her. Can’t I love more?” Meredith’s blocked clarity manifests in her physical body locking up. She is on the verge of literal physical collapse.
As often happens with people’s 'problems', there is a single thread that can be pulled to unravel the whole thing.
“This is a mixed emotion. Would you like to unmix it?”
It is a magic pill for Meredith to come back to life, and what does she do? She protests. Or rather, her Box does. Her Box has enough wisdom about these things to know what will happen when she unmixes her emotions. She will get her clarity back, and this clarity will kill this whole 'good girl not asking someone to leave the community' prison chamber she’s locked herself in. She says so herself, “I’m afraid to unmix because I know what’s underneath.”
This is Meredith’s biggest impediment to unfolding the power of her Being. She insists on dulling her own clarity. She enjoys the hobby of breaking her own heart.
But finally, her Box relents. When we finally get to her pure, unmixed anger, it is not someone who has 'too many expectations' or someone who 'is not loving enough' that is speaking. It is an adult woman with her clarity that the Bridge-House is supporting two different contexts at two different levels of Responsibility. And that is not what Meredith wants. It is simple.
Meredith breathes a sigh of relief. It feels good to have said what she was swallowing down for five straight days.
Better yet, the world has not ended.Initiation into Guardianship
The script rolls on. It is Eithne’s turn to speak.
She makes Being-to-Being contact. She declares her love for Tina’s Being, and that she wants to keep collaborating and connecting with her. But not here, not in this context, because she feels as Meredith does that the context is not aligned.
I do not see any signs that Tina lets this love in. Her Gremlin says something about how she cannot care about
others’ hearts until she knows that her own heart is cared for. She needs to know 'she has been heard'. I complete her communications until there are no more.Although it’s clear that Meredith and Eithne want her to leave the Bridge-House, there is an angry protest from
Tina’s Gremlin. “I do not want to leave this Bridge-House just because others want me to. I have done that in the past. I felt bad and then I left.”On the one hand, her stance is closed off to having a connection with Meredith and Eithne. On the other hand, there is amazing, transformational clarity with it.
Tina does not want to leave just because others are unhappy with her. She feels manipulated into doing so, into being the one to alleviate the discomfort in others.
It lands in me that no one, in all these days of suffering together in a house of split context, has actually gone ahead and asked her to leave. All that’s been said is something like, “You aren’t in the context. I want you to leave.”
It is passive. It is asking Tina to rescue the house from their Good Girl boxes and remove herself!
I ask Tina, “Has anyone asked you to leave yet?”
The answer is, “No.”
And that answer creates a gap for Eithne to begin negotiating, but it must begin with asking. Eithne now sees what is happening and what would be required of her to make an adult communication. She shudders and waves of emotional fear grip her. Fear of 'being a bitch', fear that Tina will want to have revenge one day, fear that this will completely shut down a connection she wants to nurture outside this Bridge-House. The fears go on and on.
Through this all, Eithne’s Being understands that a doorway to an initiation is wide open in front of her, if she chooses to take it.
It comes out slowly. “Tina, I ask you to leave the Magic Cow Bridge-House.”
Eithne has not quite taken the doorway. “Eithne, that is not a question.” The actual ask is so much harder, and Eithne rolls through another wave of fear. Then she tries again. “Tina, will you leave the Magic Cow Bridge-House?”
Silence. Eithne can hear the weakness of her ask and the unclarity that is still baked into it.
“… as soon as possible?”
Good enough.
There are Gremlin protests from Tina. She demands to understand why Eithne wants her to leave and refuses to give her an answer until she does. I want to pull my hair out. I want it to matter that Eithne and Meredith have risked their Boxes to make these communications to her. I want Being-vulnerability to be met with Being-vulnerability.
I don’t know how to navigate this. What do you do when you ask someone to leave and she refuses to give an answer? What will we do if the answer is a Gremlin, “No!”?
But I sense it doesn’t matter. One purpose is complete: Eithne has risked her Box, and what has emerged in its place
is a shift of identity into being a Guardian of the Bridge-House.We Are Playing Different Games: 'Inclusive' Love vs. Being on a Transformational Team
Nicole is able to be on the ground-level with Tina, and she sees that the distinctions that the rest of us have agreed to play with (feelings vs. emotions, Box vs. Gremlin vs. Being, etc) are simply not clear to Tina.
Saying this again, even if Tina does not get it, is valuable because it adds Integrity to our space. It adds Integrity to say what we are about and to be clear about what Eithne and Meredith are asking.Nicole explains that it is not an ask for Tina’s Being to leave. We love Tina’s Being and want it here. The ask to leave is because her Gremlin has the ability to destroy our context. The consequences are high. And in the tight contamination it has with her Being, navigating to intimacy has proven impossible.
Tina says something like, “Well, this is what I’m capable of. I don’t want there to be a distinction between my Being
and my Gremlin.”There is a difficult needle to thread here. Our context includes that Gremlin is not bad. Defensive anger is not bad. Fighting back is not bad. (Or good). We want people here as they are, not pretending they are capable of this or that.
But other implicit values of the Bridge-House have come to the surface. It is okay to have Gremlin reactivity come up. This is great, actually, because it is a doorway to more personal transformation. But Gremlin without enough gap to connect to others, without enough gap to realize they are on your team about this transformation, is simply not pleasant.
Gremlin without the humility to consider feedback with enough self-doubt to engage in serious experimentation about it even if you do not understand (and perhaps precisely so!), is not pleasant.Tina does not get this. She stands for some kind of Radical Inclusion. She says, “This is how I am and I want that accepted,” which ultimately has nothing to do with taking responsibility for the conflicts she sources in her life.
This is why many communities fail, because they cling tightly to including and loving all the 'parts' of a human, without distinguishing between someone’s Being and their Gremlin parts. The lack of distinction here means that it’s impossible to guard against untransformed Gremlin parts which are serving Underworld purposes such as destroying intimacy and proving
to oneself that, “I am unlovable.”I think that is the saddest part of this story, because Tina has a brilliant, creative Being. She wants to be part of a community. Her heart longs for it. Her Underworld, however, is committed to proving that she can never be accepted.
Radical Inclusion that caters to Child or Gremlin is a dangerous block to the transformational context that might be found at a Bridge-House. It ignores asking, “What parts are you including?”
Nicole asks Tina, “Will you leave within 72 hours?” Tina once more refuses to give an answer.
She turns to me. It is my turn to speak.
Initiations Cannot Be Undone
Tina asks me, “Daway, do you want me to leave too?”
I hesitate. I can feel the dynamics at play. Tina has been fighting these women all week while I’ve been gone. From how she asks, I know she’ll leave if I say, "Yes." She has made me into the 'male authority figure'.
I will not answer from that place.
But I look around the table, and I wonder if it collapses all the work the women have done to speak their
clarity if it seems like only my word that can resolve this situation. I realize it does not. Tina can think what she thinks, act how she acts, refuse to answer to anyone except me, and none of this would change that Meredith and Eithne have initiated themselves into being Guardians of our Bridge-House.I say, “Yes. I would like you to leave within 48 hours. Will you?”
Tina agrees.
What Would We Do Differently?
Tina is an 'experienced' Possibilitator who has been to multiple Possibility Labs. But how she showed up on our Zoom calls and how she showed up at in-person trainings was different from how she showed up when we were living together.
We give ourselves this advice for the next Bridge-House: Hold your context-deepening meetings the way you would as if you were living together already. Hold space for the same kind of transformation, the same kind of sword-at-each-others’ throat feedback, the same kind of edgewalking as you really want.
We had a lot of meetings about visioning, projects, our necessities for Bridge-House, what our hearts want, and how we wanted the Bridge-House to interact with Modern Culture. This was great. This kind of context deepening is important. But we did not do enough to uncover what distinctions we each were using about Feelings vs. Emotions, Box vs. Being, and so on. We did not investigate how each person would show up for being on a Transformational Team together.
Would they block transformation? Would they defend with vicious Gremlin attacks? Would they pull the rug out from their own feet? Would they be able to source rug-pulling-out for others?Ask yourself, “What does high-level participation in my Bridge-House really look like?” If it is, “They are interested in transformation,” what does that mean? How exactly will you know that they are participating at a high level?
If Transformation, Gap with Gremlin, and the ability to connect Heart-to-Heart are part of your desired context as it is for us, then make that a part of your context from the very beginning. The Bridge-House starts on your first calls. Use that time to be in the context and attract people who are willing to play at that level.
Radical Freedom is an Experiment, an unproven theory at this point.
The idea is that each of was, in various ways, attacked, manipulated, forced, restricted, punished, threatened, abused, controlled, and otherwise badly treated by the modern capitalist patriarchal empire's hierarchies that have been captured by psychopaths. All of them.
Your only response was to create a Survival Strategy and survive as best you could.
And you did it. You survived. But your net talents, after 18 years of survival on the front lines of guerilla warfare, are your unconscious application of your most potent survival weapon: your Type 1 or Type 2 Gremlin.
You have been pressured under life-or-death circumstances to use your Gremlin everywhere and always, in its meanest, cleverest, most caustic and harmfully-deceptive traits... for 18 years. This is what you are really good at: Survival-level Gremlin shit.
And now you are supposed to shift into Radical Responsibility, Conscious Attention, Creative Collaboration, and leap into Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes, sacrificing everything to become a Free And Natural Adult?
I don't think so.
You did not even have a decent chance to take Revenge on all those people who hurt you, betrayed you, sexually abused you, wrongfully punished you, tortured you, neglected you, abandonned you, judged you, rejected you. They never even saw you.
You hold inside of you so much Revenge that is well-plotted but undelivered. It has been so Unfair. You have not had a chance to come to life, and now you are supposed to Transform your Gremlin and Decontaminate your Adult Egostate? I don't think that will work. If you start shining now, being raiant, powerful, healthy, happy... then it means whatever your parents did or neglected to do for you, worked. They were right to torture and abuse you. I don't think so.
You are at least 18 years old and you don't even know what flavor of ice cream you really like, or what your favorite color actually is.
You don't even know if you truly like soccer (Very few people actually do... It is a kind of mass hypnosis, to like soccer. Modern culture publicizes soccer like the Romans used 'bread and games' to try to keep the mobs of people from destroying their elite hierarchy... Latin: 'panem et circenses'. "Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt.")
Who are you really?
You don't know. Really.
You are not enough there to Take A Stand, be Radically Responsible, pay Attention to your Attention, do Self Observation, make Proposals, Create Collaborations, Negotiate Intimacy, Cause Transformation, design and do your own Experiments, serve your Bright Principles and Archetypal Lineage, deliver your Nonmaterial Value, connect with another human being, and so on... a long list of things that you are not truly there for.
How can you be there? The answer is simple. You cannot, not in your present condition of just being released from the prison camps.
You can, of course, pretend. You can try to force yourself be a 'good person', a 'practitioner', a 'good Possibilitator', but... how is it working for you?
So many people find Expand The Box training and the Possibilitator Path, and then immediately try to force themselves into a Life Of Practice, a Life Of Learning, and it does not work. They get stuck... somewhere... by something...
You may want to do it. You may sense a longing for Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes. You may try for a few years, but it does not catch on. It does not hold. It does not land in you. For some reason, you don't get it. Then you stop.
Why is that?
Our new theory is: It does not work because you have not yet entered Reality. You are still in Gremlin-powered Survival mode. You have not landed two feet on Earth as yourself for a while. You have not started being you, here on Earth, with enough Matrix and enough Clarity to begin living.
Here is our proposal:
Take a year. Take two years. Make whatever space and time is needed for you to free yourself of the need for Revenge. Come to Presence.
Make the time to take Radical Responsibility for your Radical Freedom. Find out what you are really up to, here on Earth. What is your real Purpose for being here?
This is not the so-called 'gap year' for your Gremlin to binge on everything before you become a slave Zombie in a corporate job for the rest of your miserable life.
This is your time to recover from being crushed by the machine.
This is your time to Finish Being Born.
Become ecstatically Centered. Become absurdly effective at your Knacks. Escape from modern culture. Travel into Southeast Asia as a Nomad and experience the Earth. Get out of your 8 Prisons. Become a Global Citizen, Call Your Being Through, take back your Attention, your Authority, your Voice, your 3 Powers, your Rage, your Fear, your Conscious Will, your Agency. Debaptize yourself. Debarrier yourself. Collect up your Parts. Heal your Disjointment.
Radical Freedom is a Space that you Cavitate for you to Start Over as a new person, victim of no one, subject to no one, adapting to nothing, withholding nothing.
Radical Freedom is your time and Space to start over as the person you are when you are not forced to use everything to your wits end merely to Survive.
This proposal is that your Radical Freedom could start at a safe space called Bridge-House.
Certain Bridge-Houses are becoming centers for achieving Radical Freedom. (More info at the Radical Freedom website.)
After Radical Freedom has become your new home, then it's time to learn Radical Relating.
Personal preparations that empower you to collaborate in co-creating a Bridge-House include the same preparations as proceeding on the Possibilitator Path, with the addition of a few more, namely:
- Get out of debt. Period. Repay all loans. Commit to doing this before you know how to do it. It can help tremendously to Become Money so that you exchange direct value rather than living as an economic slave of the banking systems using the Belief that you need money to live.
- Get out of your parents' house. This means remove all of your physical possession from their premises. It also means to escape from your parents' culture. The most effective way to do that is to Go Travel for at least 3 months in South East Asia.
- Get out of modern culture's materialistic value system. Specifically this would mean to decrease your physical possessions down to what fits into a carry-on bag (22 centimeters x 35 centimeters x 56 centimeters) or (9 inches x 14 inches x 22 inches).
- Make it a practice to ongoingly learn new Technopenuriaphobia healing skills.
- Go through the 10 Doorways and build Your Circle.
- Become an Experimenter. Do Experiments to earn over 500 Matrix Points in your account at the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline matrix-building thoughtware-upgrade personal-transformation true-life adventure-game. Choose the Experiments that turn you on and feed your soul. This will give you clear information about, and move you forward towards the specialty your Archetypal Lineage intends to build out as your piece of the next culture puzzle.
- Make it your hobby to ongoingly upgrade your Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) along the Path of the 50 Thoughtware Upgrades to Archiarchy.
We need you to succeed at delivering what you came here to deliver.
2023 is the 50th Anniversary of Bridge-Houses!
Global Catalog Of Bridge-Houses
Dear Reader, if you know of a current or near future Bridge-House contexted in Archiarchal Thoughtware from Possibility Management, please write to Clinton Callahan and send a link to its webite so we can share the project with others. Thank you!
Bridge-House Glarisegg
A bridge into the unknown in the field of all possibility.
October-November 2024
Steckborn, Switzerland
Cavitation Bridge-House
Spaceholders holding space for spaceholders and reading the Cavitation book together.
5 December 2024 - January 16 2025
Crete, Greece
Men's Heart Bridge-House
Moeglickeitenraum, Bielefeld, Germany
June 10 - July 21, 2024
Men are getting together physically to evolve towards Archiarchy.
Experimenting with what is in the moment, Being and staying awake and present while sourcing from the domain of not knowing is a daily invitation to the courageous beings who will be part of the Men’s Heart Bridge-House.
(coming soon).
Bridge-House Na Polanie
Warsaw, Poland
5 June - 5 July 2024
We already know that Archiarchy and other Next Cultures are not created alone, using old tools and beliefs.
We also know that something different is possible, and to create it we need to take responsibility for it.
Together, we want to discover and appreciate the value of being in joint discovery and creative collaboration, of being one team, squad or even Village!
Register your interest here:
Ocean Of Consciousness
Casa Ponte da Mar da Consciência
1 June - 1 August 2024
Florianopolis, Brazil
It's old-fashioned to fool oneself into thinking that meditation, yoga, or personal development will transform things. It may help for a while, but there comes a time when the tasks we have to do require a different kind of change and inner technology.
Ocean Of Consciousness is a transformational Gaian Gameworld dedicated to researching, developing, and embodying Archiarchy life-skills, in a co-living training and research space otherwise called: Bridge-House.
Rice and Beans
Rice and Beans is NOT a single mothers Bridge House, it’s not a parents or mothers Bridge House.
Rice and Beans is a space for adults holding space for each other so that Childrens culture can exist. It’s a space of sisterhood, Simplicity, trust and Intimacy, that enables us to step out of parenting and patriarchal structures, concepts and relationships.
Cabo Verde Islands
Florianopolis, Brazil
Casa Fluxus, Castelo de Vide Portugal 2024
Archiarchal Women Nomadic Bridge-House
New Zealand and... Gaia Knows...
Gaian Road Team
BioSphere 2
New Mexico, North America
Freeholder's of the Flying Mantra from Starbow's End
San Luis Obispo, California
Bridge-House #1
Earth, the first Bridge-House
Ongoing since 4.5 billion years
Bridge-House Research Videos
Deepening the Context of Bridge-House, Important Issues, and Creating Possibility
The Emergence Of Bridge-House
Interested Possibilitators from around the world ask both practical and theoretical questions about Bridge-Houses in this WorkTalk with Anne-Chloé Destremau and Clinton Callahan:
What is a Bridge-House?
How does a Bridge-House work?
What is the Purpose of Bridge-House?
What are the already existing Bridge-Houses, and how are they going?
After watching this entire WorkTalk video, please enter Matrix Code YOUTUBE1.07 in your free account at Login here:
Global Bridge-House Spaceholders #2
In this call, Sophia-Magdalena Hofmann is the Spaceholder. Present are Spaceholders from Single-Moms-Bridge-House, Writing House Bridge-House, Bridge-House-Dandelion, and a new project now forming in New Zealand. Themes covered are: the Purpose of Bridge-House, Holding Space for Bridge-House, Phase 1 and Phase 2, keeping control vs. navigating transformation, how different people approach Bridge-House, and the new Bridge-House Handbook.
Bridge-House Research - Magic Cow, Dignity & Writing House
In this call, are present the Magic Cow Bridge-House, the Dignity Bridge-House and the Writing House Bridge-House. Themes covered are: the Bridge-House as living entity, going from survival to living as a focus of the Bridge-House, Guardianship vs Stewardship, Transformation as a part of the context of the Bridgehouse.
After listening to the entire recording, please register Matrix Code: YOUTUBE1.41 in your free account at
Bridge House Context - Inclusion, Clarity, Guardianship vs Building Walls
A discussion between Leslie Greenwood and the current members of the Magic Cow Bridge House about inclusion vs holding a context, clarity for what is in/out of a context vs clarity around being right/wrong, and guarding a space vs building walls.
General Codex For A Bridge-House Gameworld
each Bridge-House adopts some form of this Codex adapted to their particular situation
We are NOT a 'social services home' for rescuing homeless or penniless people who are 'lost' and 'don't know what to do'.
We are NOT a convenient 'babysitter' or 'day care center' for your child.
We are NOT a 'broken person's support group' of caretakers for Child-Egostate victims.
We are NOT a 'hippy drop-in joint' where you can be 'free' and 'do whatever you want'.
We are NOT a source of Low Drama for feeding your Gremlin contaminated Adult Ego State.
At Bridge-House we Hold and Navigate Space for a specific Context.
Holding a specific Context is on Purpose: we aim to create a specific Result, namely: a Bridge-House, where people relocate their Point Of Origin to Archiarchy, and train-up to build the next Bridge-House.
For most people it is equally as helpful to know what we are NOT as it is to know what we ARE.
Clarity is Clarity.
This is a sample Codex for a Bridge-House (
(For further information on what a Gameworld Codex is, please study and
PURPOSE: A Bridge-House is a next-culture life-skills training environment that combines synergetic education with temporary community. Except for the Bridge-House Spaceholder(s), the time that a Bridge-House Collaborator stays at one Bridge-House is estimated to be no longer than 18 months.
BRIDGE-HOUSE NAME: _____________________
BRIDGE-HOUSE WEBSITE: _____________________
Qualification to participate in a Bridge-House includes:
- Be an active participant in Possibilitator Training. Specifically this means that before coming to Bridge-House you have already participated in at least one 3 to 5-day Expand The Box training, and at least one Possibility Lab, and that you are committed to this Path that includes participating in at least 10 Possibility Labs during the next few years.
- Make at least one Kiva loan of at least $100 as a member of the Archiarchy Kiva Team.
- Join the Bridge-House Artabana health cooperative group. This means you will make a one-time €1200 deposit into your Bridge-House Artabana account of which you will receive a maximum of 70% back if you do not use it to cover your health costs. This also includes participating in monthly Bridge-House Artabana health cooperative Health Check-Up meetings.
- Earn a minimum of 500 Matrix Points in the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline matrix-building thoughtware-upgrade personal-transformation true-life adventure-game.
- Read at least the following ten books on the Possibility Management Recommended Reading List at Go Explore: 1) Secrets of the Talking Jaguar by Martín Prechtel, 2) Long Life Honey In The Heart by Martín Prechtel (read Secrets of the Talking Jaguar first...), 3) Original Wisdom by robert wolff, 4) Dune by Frank Herbert, 5) Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card, 6) Of Water and the Spirit by Malidoma Patrice Somé, 7)Self Observation by Red Hawk, 8) The Kin Of Ata Are Waiting For You by Dorothy Bryant, 9) Treason by Orson Scott Card, and, 10) Mount Analogue by René Daumal.
- Make Your Website and Build Your Circle, plus proceed as far as you can through the 10 Doorways.
To participate in a Bridge-House you must first Apply. Your initial contact can be made by sending us a message at the Apply Button below. You may be requested to fill out a written Application Form with your background information. You also may be interviewed by the Bridge-House Spaceholders. The final decision about being accepted to participate in a Bridge-House lies with the Spaceholder(s) of the specific Bridge-House you apply to.
The Context of a Gameworld establishes the Gameworld's relationship to consciousness, responsibility, and transformation.
Bridge-House Collaborators are active participants in the authentic evolutionary Path of Possibilitator Training. This insures that every Bridge-House is Contexted in:
- Archiarchy
- Adulthood which is Decontaminated from Child, Parent, and Gremlin Ego States
- Ongoing 3 Phase Transformational Healing Processes
- Ongoing Emotional Healing Processes
- Ongoing Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes
- Radical Responsibility
- High Drama
- Upgraded Thoughtware
- Bright Principles
- Four Archetypal Lineages
- Technopenuriaphobia Healing
- Torus Meeting Technologies (e.g. The Purple Card, Frying Pan, Wok, M.E.S.S., Wisdom Counsel, Poop On The Table, etc.)
- Plus the Study Groups, Possibility Teams, Rage Clubs, Fear Clubs, Trainings, Tools, Thoughtmaps, Distinctions, S.P.A.R.K. Experiments, and Processes of Possibility Management.
Bridge-House painfully recognizes that the so-called 'rule-of-law' of the so-called 'modern civilization' (capitalist patriarchal empire) is a failed construct that leads directly to planetary suicide and near-term human extinction.
Therefore, Bridge House recognizes that anyone continuing to abide by the rule-of-law of modern civilization is criminally insane, and anyone defending the rule-of-law of modern civilization has already forfeited their life.
Therefore, Bridge-House adopts a Bill of Wrongs.
The Bridge-House Bill Of Wrongs
The Bridge-House Gameworld:
- Forbids modern civilization’s rule of law.
- Forbids ownership of land. (Land cannot be taken away from Gaia.)
- Forbids ownership of mineral or organic resources (so-called 'natural resources').
- Forbids 'monetizing natural capital'.
- Forbids corporate personhood.
- Forbids copyright and patents. (
- Forbids hiring employees. (Forbids slavery, including economic slavery.)
- Forbids working as an employee. (Irresponsibility is an illusion. Security is a fantasy world.)
- Forbids hierarchical power structures. (, see S.P.A.R.K.221)
- Forbids public schools. (
- Forbids win-lose games. (
- Forbids externalizing environmental costs or social costs to future generations, third world countries, or Gaia.
- Forbids profit. (
- Forbids financial gambling in any form, e.g. health insurance, stocks, futures. (
- Forbids renting money (interest).
- Forbids paid lobbyists.
- Forbids paid politicians.
- Forbids absentee ownership (stockholders, landlords, ownership of multiple properties).
- Forbids brands. (
- Forbids franchises.
- Forbids toxic wastes and byproducts.
- Forbids weapons of mass destruction.
- Forbids armed or armored vehicles (land, sea, air, or space).
- Forbids any weapon with an effective range over one kilometer.
- Forbids disposables that do not easily compost into healthy soil.
- Forbids beliefs. (
- And forbids lawyers.
The Bridge-House Bill Of Wrongs does not pretend to abide by natural law, because natural law can be construed to allow parasites, gangsters, vampires, zombies, ghouls, blackmail, corruption, manipulation, revenge, power over, cancers, disease viruses, survival-of-the-fittest concepts, psychopaths, and 'acts of God'. And if you have ever seen hungry frigate birds snatch up and swallow freshly-hatched baby sea turtles scuttling frantically and defenselessly towards the ocean waves trying to begin their life, you know that nature can be construed to allow terrorists too. The Bill Of Wrongs exists in a Bridge-House through choosing Radical Responsibility and High Drama for your Context.
Since Bridge-House stands in its own context and culture, using a currency from another gameworld (namely, western banks) is a form of contamination. Bridge-House collaborates with other Archiarchy gameworlds around the world, including other Bridge-Houses, yet since Archiarchal infrastructure is still in development, it is still necessary to have access to a supply of modern culture currencies so as to make exchanges.
Bridge-House manages modern culture currencies without contamination its own Context by holding a buffer-zone at its perimeter that negotiates what comes in and what goes out, much the same as the organic life functions of a cell wall. Value from Bridge-House goes into the Currency Buffer Node (see to learn more about Nodes) and when necessary is converted into modern culture currencies. Modern culture currencies are not used for exchanges inside the Bridge-House gameworld. Instead, Bridge-House uses true value exchanges such as the Gaia.
The Bridge-House Currency Buffer Node declares that there is a monthly Collaboration Fee for participating in a Bridge-House.
Collaboration Fees are used to pay for Bridge-House costs for exchanges with what remains of modern culture, for example: rent, utilities (water, heating, wifi, electricity), food (garden supplies, tools), transportation, project tools and materials, maintenance tools and materials, repair tools and materials, construction tools and materials, guest trainer fees, evolution supplies, Bridge-House Artabana fees (?does this fit into the budget?), and Possibility Lab fees.
Every three months, Bridge-House participants arrange to participate in the same Possibility Lab training. The basic training tuition, food, overnight, and transportation costs for the Possibility Lab are included in the monthly Collaboration Fee.
This Collaboration Fee is paid either up front for a given number of months, or monthly on the first day of each month, to the main Bridge-House spaceholder(s) in cash. No receipts will be given because Bridge-House is not a business. Bridge-House is a creative collaboration, as if a group of people put their money together to journey through South East Asia. Bridge-House Collaborators put their money together to journey through the evolution of consciousness.
The Bridge-House Spaceholder is responsible for accounting for who donates how much and when into the Collaboration Fee, and for exactly what the Collaboration Fees are used (with dated receipts). This bookkeeping is kept public. The one, two, or three Bridge-House Spaceholders pay no monthly Collaboration Fee.
The amount of the Collaboration Fee varies depending on which country most of your Clients live.
If most of your Clients live in Central Europe, UK, Costa Rica, or North America, the Collaboration Fee is €1000 per month.
If most of your Clients live in Italy, Greece, Portugal or Poland, the Collaboration Fee is _____ per month.
If most of your Clients live in South America, Central America (except Costa Rica), Egypt, Turkey, or Mexico, the Collaboration Fee is _____ per month.
Where does the money come from? Each Bridge-House Collaborator creates funds for their Collaboration Fee along the way through delivering actual Value.
In the case of Europe, €1000 per month could come from:
- Seven to ten online Possibility Coaching, Possibility Mediation, or Possibility Psychology sessions at €100-€150 per session causes €700 to €1500 per month.
- One online Rage Club (four weeks, 2.5-hours-once-per-week) for at least 6 participants at €180 per participant causes €1080 per month.
- Five online WorkTalks (1.5-hours-long) for at least 20 participants at €10 per participant causes €1000 per month.
- One online Workshop (4-hours-long) for at least 13 participants at €80 per participant causes €1040 per month.
- Or any combination of the above.
Experiments that empower you
to enter the Bridge-House way...
a way, which... by the way... does not come to an end.
Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.01
Form a 3Cell with the sole purpose of becoming a specialist in causing and navigating culture to culture conversations. There are two parts to the Experiments.
PART 1: Practicing in the consciously held context space of your 3Cell.
PART 2: Practice in the unconscious context of everyday conversations.
NOTE: Having a Culture-To-Culture conversation is valid almost everywhere, not just when an Archiarchy person speaks with a mainstream culture person. Because each person has their own Box. In many ways, a Box generates its own culture.The Experiment is: have 10 focused practice sessions with coaching and feedback from your 3Cell to learn how to have culture to culture conversation
Have 10 real life culture to culture conversations.
Talk in your real Conversations what you Noticed, Appreciated and Distinguished as the focal point of the other person's culture. Their survival values, their belief system, their have to's. Document those things in your Beep Book.
When you have documented 10 conversations and had ten 3Cell meetings, please register Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.01 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.02
Conscious pain is about the only motivation strong enough to drive someone to make a lifestyle change. New awarenesses that make you angry enough to try something new come from lowering your marshmallow-sweet buffer zone, letting the delusion dissolve, and finding out what is really going on.
For this Experiment, please read, first, through the What Now website... slowly.
While reading the words and watching the videos, lower your Numbness Bar so that your mind does not skip over the painful realizations. Let this pain be in you.
Then write a 2 to 3 page article titled: Three Things I Want To Change. Let your nonlinear intelligence choose the three things you are angry enough about to move into a life that leaves these three things out. In your article, explain practical alternative possibilities that you would prefer to have in your life to replace the three things from which you will step away.
This, obviously, is a personal article, meaning that there are no objectively true answers about what you would prefer. Which is super! Because it means you cannot get it wrong! Please publish your article online at
After you have published your article, please register Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.02 in your free account at Please give the link to your article as the PROOF. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.03
The Experiment starts with considering the idea that although there is a vast Gap, radical universe change between Matriarchy, Patriarchy and Archiarchy, although there is this Gap, Archiarchy is not so far away. It is not so far away. It helps to understand that once you find the edge of Patriarchy and there is this Gap. The bridge from Patriarchy to Archiarchy lands you on the edge of Archiarchy.
This Experiment is: Walk on the edge of Archiarchy in your daily life. Go to the edge. You will know you are at the edge because there will be a lot of contrasts. Stark, shocking contrasts between your daily life in Archiarchy and the life that is often happening around you in Patriarchy.
For the next 3 months, work on the edge of Patriarchy on the Archiarchy side of the edge, even if you don't know how.
The results will be on the one hand extremely painful and simultaneously entertaining, providing fascination with the human capacity for Self Deception, Self Abuse, contortions of the mind, Fantasy World concepts, belief in dogma, Patriarchal fanaticism, etc.
For example, if you go to a party and you are having a conversation with other people at the patry and they ask: "What do you do?"
Give them 9 answers to their question, all of the answers being true, and all of them very different. Then give every person you talk to an entirely different set of 9 answers.
They may interrupt you while you are answering their question with something like: "But, what do you do for money?"
Then you can keep answering from beyond the edge of their culture. "I deliver my Nonmaterial Value."
They might ask: "But, what company do you work for?"
And you keep saying how it is for you. "I don't use the employer - employee construct. That would be a kind of slavery. I don't participate in slavery, so I have a no boss."
Your challenge is to be Radically Honest on the Edge of Archiarchy, having an interaction with people that still function in Patriarchy.
Include in this Experiment your daily behaviors, such a s your relationship to vegetables, time, plastic, disposables, the status of people, to ownership.
For example, if you occupy an Airbnb appartment, who owns the apartment if you rent it for a couple of weeks? If you are walking on the edge of Archiarchy, you own the apartment. Then while you are there, if you find something broken, you fix it. Why not? It is yours. Take off the old part, put in the new part even if you have to buy a new tool to do it. You do not have to ask anybody or tell anybody. You take care of the place because you own it right now. It the apartment does not have a lemon squeezer, you get one and leave it there. Why not? Do the EHP if emotions arise.
This rest of this Experiment is to interview yourself on a video (Vlog) where you split your personality and ask yourself questions.
Q. So what was it like to do something outside of the Patriarchy that you never did before?
A. Well, it was extremely bizarre to expose myself to new parts of myself.
Q. Can you give an example?
A. Yes, I watched the film called The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society alone in a public place on my computer. My attention was split, part on watching the film, and part on watching other people in the café watching me watch the film, laughing at the jokes, crying in the sad scenes. Looking bad is something not done in Patriarchy. Due to Splitting my Attention, I remember almost every line of the film.
Q. Potator Peel Pie? What's that?
A. Well yes, after watching the film publicly in the café, I had to make Potato Peel Pie myself. Now I eat it about once a week. I love it. I use this recipe, but I leave out the beetroot because beets do unmentionable things to my intestines...
Q. Like what things?
A. I told you I will not mention them!
Q. Ah, yes. Sorry...
After you have published your Vlog, please register Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.03 in your free account at Please give the link to your Vlog as the PROOF. This Experiment is worth 6 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.04
With your 3Cell or your Core Team of interested members in building a Bridge-House, read slowly over the course of 2 or 3 meetings, the website:
While you study the thoughtware upgrades, the purpose is to Notice the results that are created from living with, interacting with the world with different Thoughtware. Either an old Thoughtware or a new Thoughtware.
The importance of studying thoughtware upgrade is that it is still unknown to most Edgeworkers that without thoughtware upgrades, you are just replicating Patriarchy painted green. You might look good and eat healhty but war is still hapepning, emotional reactivity takes over your Attention,
scarcity goes unexamined (scarcity of money, scarcity of time, scarcity of love, scarcity of being acknowledged).One of the main purposes of a Bridgehouse, is to upgrade Thoughtware, which happens not at an intellectual level, but in a 5 Body change process of Emotional Healing or Initation.
However, the basis for these change processes is your Clarity about the Thoughtware Upgrade that Archiarchy emerges out of.
Write, together, a short article of three to four pages about some of the Thoughtware Upgrades that touched you the most.
After you have published your article, please register Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.04 in your free account at Please give the link to your article as the PROOF. This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.05
PART 1: Have a Bridge-House meeting. Bring your Beep! Book. Everybody spends 20 minutes making a list of every single organization they have ever been involved with. Write until you recognize at least 50 different organizations you regularly interact with. Include the electrical company, your phone company, all these organizations that you have been ever affiliated with. Credit Card company, Boy scouts, trash company, taxis, Uber, grocery store.
After making the whole list, stop, pause for 3 minutes to realize that these organizations are ALL gameworlds.
If you do not know with excruciating clarity what a 'gameworld' is, then stop this Experiment and take your Team through reading every word of the Gameworld Theory website.
If you understand how your life is saturated with interactions with gameworlds, and how gameworlds work, and how gameworlds are made, and who makes gameworlds... then continue with this Experiment.
Read through your longs list of organizations you interact with, and mark EVERY ONE of them that uses a hierarchical organizational structure.Doctors, dentists, hospital, police, stopped by the police ƒor antyhing, all of them are on your list and mark any of them that are using a hierarchical power structure (pyramid organizational chart).
Of course it is all of them.
The point is to make the list first, and then check it all.
Church, Yoga Class, Meditation, Soccer Team, paying rent, paying taxes, anything like that.
PART 2: Then, read out-loud together, word-for-word the Torus Technology website. Make sure everybody understands every word. If not, you stop and check, discuss, explore, deepen your context, bring resilience to your connection with the distinctions. Studying the Torus Technology website together could take five meetings just to get through the context part of the website.
PART 3: Then do the Transformational Emotional Healing Process (EHP) of Relocating your Point Of Origin out of hierarchies and into circular Torus structures. You will know when you have succeeded when it becomes impossibly distasteful to participate in a hierarchical power structure.
After you have published your article, please register Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.05 in your free account at Please give the link to your article as the PROOF. This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.06
This Experiment is to practice the Resistance Decision Making process from Torus Technology.
Give everybody in your Teams a Purple Card so that they can carry it all the time in the back of their Beep! Book.
Practice holding space for the Frying Pan EHP process.
Practice implementing those 3 things until it becomes second nature to swiftly use Resistance Decision Making, Purple Card, and the Frying Pan Process.
This is the way.
You will Notice that the shift requires more than technology. It requires skill to make use of the group intelligence, getting off being right, getting off doing it alone, being willing to use moments of Chaos.
As a reference point, soil is chaos.
There is a lot to learn. Reading the website is the first step.
Applying Torus Technology is applying Archiarchy.
Publish a photo on Social Media of you holding up your Purple Card, giving a short explanation of how you use it.
After you have published your photo, please register Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.06 in your free account at Please give the link to your Purple Card photo as the PROOF. This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.07
This Experiment is to start every conversation with your Proposal. You say: "I propose that..." and make an offer about what you want.
It is not about trying to change somebody else or complaining about what you don't want. Making a proposal is inviting others to join you in What You Want.
Saying what you want is not about trying to change what the other person wants. It is not convincing, blaming, Manipulating, being Fair, or being Reasonable.
Making Proposals is a core skill for creating gameworld designs, upgrading interactions, unfoldings Potential, and deepening the Context of your Bridge-House.
Intelligent Proposals help you cause to exist the things that you want.
For the next 3 months, once (or twice) each week, practice for 1 hour making Proposals in your Team. Then use Resistance Decision Making to make any relevant group decisions.
Implement what people propose. Each Proposal has a Spaceholder.
Do not let the proposal be inconsequential. Don't waste good proposals.
After your 3 months of Proposal Making Practice, please register Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.07 in your free account at Please list 3 Proposals that you made as the PROOF. This Experiment is worth 12 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.08
Cavitation is a specific form of Declaring that causes new Culture space to exist in reality.
Part 1: Begin this Experiment by reading through the Cavitate Space website, practicing the new skills until you can Cavitate a new culture Space, Contexted in Archiarchy, anyplace and any time with no preparations.
Part 2: Call your Team together for a special meeting to learn and practice the skill of Cavitation. In that meeting, take people through the Cavitation website and practice the Cavtitation skills and do one or two of the Cavitation experiments together.
Part 3: Give a recorded WorkTalk on Cavitating Archiarchy Culture Space, either online or in person, which you then upload to your website.
After you have published your article, please register Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.08 in your free account at Please give the link to your WorkTalk as the PROOF. This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.09
It can be a shock to realize that next culture - Archiarchy - is NOT already built and ready for you to occupy like the culture of the Na'vi was for Jake Sully to move into in James Cameron's film Avatar.
There is nearly nothing ready for you.
If you want a different culture to live in, you will need to design it, build it, and move into by the power of your own volition.
You probably do not have the balls, the determination, the fierceness to do this.
Instead you will probably forget that you read this Experiment and simply go on to something less painful...
But hey! You don't have to skip over this! You could take me seriously. (I take myself seriously...)
This Experiment is to avoid the comforting sense of saying, "I don't know," then enter the Present (which you cannot already know about, because in the Present all you get is Improvisation and Creation). Choose 3 specific qualities or elements of a culture you would love to live in and focus bringing these elements to life in your daily life.
Grab your Beep! Book and write the three elements out, like a free-form poem. Do not try to make it nice. (Every new idea at first sounds crazy!)
Then for each of your 3 qualities, write out 3 specific actions you would take if that quality was the culture you truly lived in.
Now you have 9 Experiments to try (3 actions for each of the 3 qualities). During this next week, do each of these 9 behaviors three times. Do each one with dynamic fervor, ferocious commitment, indubitable enthusiasm, and joyful thoroughness, so your behavior lands totally in the current space in everyone's awareness and everyone's 5 Bodies, but do the behavior for YOUR OWN ENJOYMENT, not to do anything to the other people. Do not try to change anyone else. They are living in the culture they want to live in. So you get to live in the culture you want to live in! It is only fair, right? Have a hell of a good time living in your own culture, right there in front of the others without any excuse.
After you have accomplished all 27 of these actions, please register Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.09 in your free account at In the PROOF section write 12 words about what you learned. This Experiment is worth 9 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.10
There is this assumption that, to live in a Bridge-House, you need to have a physical place.
The invitation is to live in a Bridge-House, before you have the house. Live on the Bridge. Part 1 of living on the Bridge is: start your shift into Archiarchy Economics.
Archiarchy Economics starts by putting your own money, your own currency, into circulation, for other Edgeworkers around the world to use.
A very simple way to do this is to lend your money to a selected borrower from Kiva.
We invite you to join the Archiarchy Kiva Team!
This Experiment is for each person in your Team to place $100 dollars of your own money into circulation on the Archiarchy Kiva Team. If you ever need to, you can withdraw it whenever it is paid back to you, or you can re-lend your cash to someone else.
This action includes you in the Global Money Loops. For more about this, please see: Become Money.
During your regular Team meetings, spend 5 minutes checking in about what has changed because of putting some of your modern culture money into a global transformation money loop.
After you have entered your $100 into global circulation, please register Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.10 in your free account at In the PROOF section please write who you loaned the money to and in which country they live. This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.11
One of the ways that modern culture owns us is through trying to stimulate Unconscious Fear in whoever plays in the modern culture Gameworlds. One of the main ways modern culture stimulates unconscious fear is by using the word 'safe', as if in life it is possible to be safe.
Do you think it is possible to be safe?
In modern culture, the more insurance you purchase, the 'safer' they tell you that you will be: health insurance, fire insurance, car insurance, mortgage insurance, life insurance, flight insurance, investment insurance, dog insurance, leg insurance... This is the use of circular logic in a noncircular equation. You are going to die. There is no way around that, no matter how much insurance you own.
The Archiarchy question in: Will you come to life as a Free And Natural Initiated Adult before you die?
Insurance is a gambling game. It is giving money to corporate-run gambling schemes, many of which serve mafia-style purposes in their outcome.
Extracting yourself from national health insurance is actually quite easy. A Gaian Gameworld exists called Artabana. It is an international health cooperative, in which you bring your Bridge-House members into supporting each other in your 5 Body health.
You can read more about Artabana on both the Artabana website, and the Archiarchy Artabana website.
Learn the Rules Of Engagement of their gameworld.
It is a recommended dimension of a Bridge-House to have your own health cooperative. This avoids contaminating your Bridge-House context with modern culture insurance vampire scams.
This Experiment is to transform your Bridge-House Team into an official Archiarchy Artabana group.
After you have either joined an existing Archiarchy Artabana Team, or created your own official Archiarchy Artabana Team, please register Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.11 in your free account at In the PROOF section please write the name of your Artabana Team and its website. This Experiment is worth 12 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.12
Have Bridge-House meeting focused on exploring the Village Seeds website.
Find out which of these village seeds are new to each person, and which ones some of your people already specialize in. The 'specialists' can be detected by learning which of your Team already share and care about the specific seeds listed on the website.
Of course it is important to have your own heirloom squash seeds and bean seeds that you propagate from here to here, and share with other Bridge-Houses so they can propogate them in their gardens, and pass the seeds on to others.
Yet there are also other 'Seeds', 'Seeds' for all 5 Bodies. Not just vegetables. This is about Taking A Stand for what Seeds you have in your Bridge-House that you could focus on taking care of, cultivating, and sharing.
If you discover a useful or amazing kind of 'Seed' you have that is not on the Village Seeds website, please write to Clinton Callahan with a link to your website so that we can share it there.
After you have researched and assessed your Team's Seed collection, please register Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.12 in your free account at In the PROOF section please write a link to the Seeds On Offer section of your Bridge-House Website. This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.13
How can you actually know that love is there? How should you deal with Archetypal Love in your Bridge-House Spaces?
We don't know how to tell you.
We think the best way for you to learn is to Experiment.
This Experiment is to Experiment to find ways to sense that Archetypal Love is actually alive in your Bridge-House Spaces. For the next three months, come together 3 times per week to design and try out Archetypal Love Experiments. Write up what works.
After the 3 months, please select out your 3 best Experiments and send them to Clinton Callahan so we can share them with others on the Archetypal Love website.
Here is a blank PM Process Write-Up Template for you to use.
Someone wrote that Archetypal Love feels like this:
Die together. Die again, but all the way this time.
Transform and die. Together.
Learn to quickly identify the sensations of Ordinary Love.
Feed your Gremlin something else.
Learn to quickly identify the sensations of Extraordinary Love.
This is Authentic Adulthood. It is extraordinary because it is rare.
Yet something else awaits you.
Learn to quickly identify the sensations of Archetypal Love.
Keep breathing. Together.
Additionally, please refer to the Building Love That Lasts Study Group videos.
After you have sent your 3 favorite Archetypal Love Experiments to us, please register Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.13 in your free account at In the PROOF section, please enter a link to the part of your Bridge-House website where you post instructions for your 3 favorite Archetypal Love Experiments. This experiment is worth 6 matrix points.
Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.14
There is something in you that is longing to have an in-person team to work with on your journey out of Modern Culture. That ‘something’ is what your Bridge-House is all about. Here’s a starting point:
Write an article about your ‘something’.
Share it.
Talk about it.
Ask people questions about it.
Get feedback.
Find your team.
A Bridge-House doesn’t start when the Purpose is clear, it starts when you dare to put the message out into the world that you are holding space for a Bridge-House.
GO! before you know how it goes.
You have successfully completed this experiment when you have published the first article about your Bridge-House.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.14 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Point(s).
Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.15
This experiment can have a broad execution because visiting a community can mean a lot of things. The question is, what is a community?
That is exactly what you are out to discover. The purpose of this experiment is to start your research on different formats of intentionally living with a group of people.
Look around your local area for communities (You can search the directories of FIC or GEN).
Go there with your list of authentic questions. Ask everyone you can find. Write down their answers. Record their email addresses. Publish your findings and direct the members of the community to where they can find your write-up. Email them a link to it.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.15 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Point(s).
Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.16
A conversation is a Space.
A space has as many possibilities as your ability to place your Attention on its qualities. When your attention is pointed at these qualities, you can shift them with your intention.
When living with a group of people, it is easy to lose your Center as you hop from conversation to conversation. They can quickly start blending together and become very ordinary if you’re not Present about the skill of opening and closing of spaces.
For the next week, place your attention on the spaces of your conversations. Experiment with intentionally opening and closing them. Notice where you fall asleep and the consequences of these actions/inactions.
Open a new page in your BEEP! Book and title it “Conversations as a Space”. Write your findings.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.16 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Point(s).
Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.17
You have gone your whole life being told what to do and how to do it. This is how it was in school, at home, at your corporate job, and beyond..
It is a new way of being in the world when you start taking Radical Responsibility for sourcing what you see is missing in the school, company, project, or family around you.
Find one, simple thing that you want to exist in the world around you and declare that you are holding space for this to exist. This does not mean that you do it all yourself. It doesn’t even necessarily mean that you pay for it. You are taking responsibility for it to come into existence.
Keep it simple and do whatever needs to happen without being a lone wolf. An important element of this experiment is to practice radical collaboration.
To successfully complete this experiment you either succeeded in sourcing the project or completely failed. Either way, the discoveries are published in an article.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.17 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Point(s).
Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.18
A transformational training is a space of several days where you have the opportunity to completely shift identity and practice new skills to support that new identity.
That doesn’t mean that you necessarily have built the matrix to support that new identity and skills out in the world.
A Launchpad is a place to prepare for blast off. After your next training, you can create such a launchpad for a team to bring the identities, practices, and skills into their rocket ships.
Whenever your next training is coming, go to the Launchpad Bridge-House page a month ahead of time for ideas on how to create your own Launchpad.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.18 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 10 Matrix Point(s).
Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.19
There are foundational human skills that Modern Culture did not provide the space to learn. It is so that most people can identify hundreds of brands and very few kinds of trees, much less know how to plant them and care for them.
A Bridge-House is a place to acquire these skills, and you don’t have to wait to get there in order to start.
Planting trees is one amazing skill to develop wherever you are. There is a lot to learn about soil, water, sun, plant interactions, and native species.
This experiment is very simple. Go plant 20 different kinds of trees and take care of them. Find someone in your town who can guide you or just go to a plant nursery and speak to the workers about planting small trees.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.19 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Point(s).
- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on Thank you for playing full out!